HANGGONE® Liver Detox / Degradation Protein

No hangover
HANGGONE® is a liver detox capsule, contains ADH & ALDH enzymes. It helps alleviate hangover and Asian flush symptoms after an enjoyable night drinking.

Protect your liver
HANGGONE® works by degrading most of the alcohol in the small intestine into acetaldehyde and then into harmless acetic acid. And it doesn’t prevent you enjoying the benefits of drinking – you can still get the buzz!

Safe for everyone
The main ingredient is a patented mixture of Alcohol Metabolizing Enzymes (ADH & ALDH) extracted from beef liver sourced from Australia.
It is safe for all people who want to enjoy hangover-free and Asian Flush-free drinking. Just take 1 pack (containing 3 capsules) before, after or even during your drinking.